Start this course! Course Description Health equity is important for everyone to be able to live a healthy life. Living a healthy lifestyle is challenging due to vast differences in access to healthcare, education, affordable housing, and good jobs. Learning Objectives Upon...
Start this course! Course Description The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China in late December 2019. Since then, it has spread rapidly and virulently throughout the world. In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. This...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning Objectives...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide the different types of FDA-approved vaccinations, review the importance of prevention strategies, explain the use of the CDC's Transmission-based Precautions and guidelines for isolation of patients both at home and in...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning...
Course Description This course will discuss ostomy management after hospital discharge such as teaching of stoma assessment to patients, emptying pouches, and changing pouching systems. Training on how to discuss common questions from patients such as diet, exercise, ADL’s, and how to guide...
Course Description This course will review stoma care, review common issues associated with ostomy care such as skin irritation, discretion of pouch systems, and emptying of pouches. Proper interventions to common concerns will be reviewed. Learning Objectives After completing this...
Course Description This course will identify essential components of a pouching system and options for specific cases. Further discussion includes features of the pouching systems, options for barriers, and steps in changing the pouching system. Learning Objectives After completing this...
Course Description This course will review anatomy of the abdomen, types of ostomies, characteristics of normal stomas, and identify disease processes or injuries that are typically associated with stoma construction. Learning Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to...
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