Skin and Pressure Injury Prevention in the Perioperative Department (1.0 CE for Nurses)

10-12-2020 08:52 AM

Preventing Pressure Injury Perioperative

Course Description

Preventing pressure injuries in the pre-operative area is a critical responsibility of the perioperative nurse. Prevention starts with an in-depth assessment of the patient’s skin preoperatively and again at discharge from the operative area. Tools used to assess the patient’s skin will be presented in this continuing education activity. The perioperative risk factors for skin and deep tissue injuries are explained and differentiated as extrinsic and intrinsic. A comprehensive list of risks is offered and identified by stages of care. The various intraoperative patient positions are described and the corresponding vulnerable anatomy sites are identified. Intervention strategies that the nurse should incorporate into the care are outlined.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
  • Define MASD, pressure injury and skin tears.
  • Describe tools used to assess the patient’s skin and evaluate the risks of developing a skin injury during their perioperative care.
  • Define patient’s risk factors associated with skin injuries in the perioperative setting.
  • Discuss how MASD, pressure ulcers and skin tears are influenced by the surgical procedure.
  • Identify evidence-based interventions to help prevent skin injury from occurring in the surgical patients.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for nurses.

1.0 CE for Nurses
