
Caring for Patients and Residents with Dementia: Enhance Your Skills with Our Upgraded eLearning Series

By Elizabeth Andreas posted 04-13-2023 07:00 AM

free, RN, online, healthcare staff, continuing education, CE, NAB, nursing home, nursing home admin, LTC,  long-term care, dementia, patient safety

Caring for Patients and Residents with Dementia

Enhance your skills with our upgraded eLearning series.

By Medline University Staff | April 13, 2023

As a nursing home administrator or healthcare staff member, you know how important it is to have a deep understanding of dementia care. Caring for patients or residents with dementia poses unique challenges and requires a special kind of care and understanding. That's why we're excited to announce updates to our Dementia Care Series.

Why Dementia Care Is Crucial for Healthcare Staff

Dementia is a progressive disease that affects an individual's memory, behavior, and cognitive abilities. As such, residents with dementia require specialized support and care that is tailored to their individual needs. Without proper care, residents with dementia may experience adverse outcomes. Providing exceptional care helps improve the quality of life for residents with dementia by reducing anxiety, depression, and isolation. Supplying healthcare staff with the knowledge and skills they need to provide high-quality care can even improve job satisfaction, ultimately helping reduce staff burnout and turnover.

An Overview of Our Updated Dementia Care Series

Our Dementia Care Series consists of three courses with each course offering 0.5 CE for Nursing Home Administrators. The courses can be taken in sequence or individually in any order.

1. Dementia Care I: Mental Decline and Caregiving Challenges

In this course, you will gain an understanding of how dementia affects patient/resident behavior and the challenges it poses for caregivers. By examining the nature of mental decline, the course will help you prevent negative situations with residents. Harmful words or actions towards a resident cannot be justified simply because they happened in a moment of anger or frustration. Experienced nursing assistants will tell you that individuals who suffer from dementia require a special kind of care and a lot of understanding. Learn more about this course or take this course today.

2. Dementia Care II: Physical Decline and Caregiving Challenges

This course provides caregivers with an understanding of the physical effects dementia has on the body and how this affects the lives of elderly individuals. This course will help you recognize three signs that indicate a decline in mobility, explain how dementia can affect food and fluid intake and discuss how dementia contributes to loss of bowel and bladder control. Learn more about this course or take this course today.

3. Dementia Care III: Understanding and Managing Difficult Behaviors

In this course, you will gain an understanding of why difficult behaviors may occur in residents with dementia. Understanding what triggers certain behaviors will help you manage and address them in a positive way. In some cases, it may even allow you to prevent them from occurring. Disruptive or unusual behavior may be a resident's way of trying to reach out to you and tell you something that they cannot express verbally. This course provides distraction and redirection strategies, communication tips, and actions you can take to calm an agitated resident. Learn more about this course or take the course today.

Enhance Your Dementia Care Practices with Insights and Strategies from Our Dementia Care Series

Our updated Dementia Care courses are designed to provide nursing home administrators, nursing assistants and healthcare staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality care for patients and residents with dementia. By completing these courses, you will gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance your care practices and better support your patients and residents with dementia. We encourage you to take advantage of our improved Dementia Care Series today!

