Sterile Processing

SterileProcessingLifecycle of an instrument.

Sterile Processing

A core foundation of every Sterile Processing Department (SPD) is the ability to keep patients safe and that starts with an efficient and effective SPD. When the stakes are high, the success of an operating room increases with cross-departmental collaboration in Sterile Processing.

We aim to build a more collaborative relationship between the SPD and the operating room through education and insight from both perspectives. Understanding the cause and effect of when issues arise helps each department realize how vital each team member’s role is in the surgical process. Through building teamwork, communication, and education, we can help your Sterile Processing Department become more efficient and meet the ultimate goal of providing safe patient care.

$9.8B spent every year by the U.S. healthcare system to treat the top HAIs, one-third of which are from SSIs 1
3-12 months average SPD Technician training time depending on the facility, state-wide legislation and previous experience 2
13%-21.9% opened instruments ultimately used 3

Best Practice Guidance

Improve clinical outcomes with educational posters

PPE, OR, SPD, sterile, processing, gloves, masks, gown
Proper PPE for the Sterile Processing Department

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Best Practices for Instrument Transportation

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PPE, SPD, sterile, processing, gloves, mask, gown, eye shield
Best Practices for Point-of-Use Instrument Processing

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education and training

Build sustainable knowledge with 24/7 access to online courses

Unrecognizable technician picking dental pliers and lever from an autoclave sterilizer.
Wet Packs: Causes and Solutions (0.5 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Review the major causes for wet packs and loads.

Two gloved hands placing a tray of surgical instruments on a surgical table with blue drape
Accountability for Surgical Instrument Processing (1.0 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Master best practices for instrument handling and decontamination.

SPD worker facing away from camera wearing blue scrubs pulling instrument tray out of sterilization machine
Quality Prep of Surgical Instruments (0.75 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Explore the entire instrument life cycle and the critical role of central sterile technicians in preventing SSIs.

Gloved hand handing surgical instrument to another gloved hand
Best Practices for Loaner Surgical Instruments (0.6 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Identify accountability issues and best practices for loaner instrument management.

Male central sterile tech facing away from the camera standing in front of a surgical tray that is ready to be wrapped.
Are you Ready for a Sterilization Recall (1.0 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Understand sterilization recall protocols and departmental policies.

Sterile processing department
Specialty Testing of Steam Sterilizers (0.5 CE for Central Sterile Techs)

Identify four types of specialty testing for sterilizers.

case studies and clinical evidence

Drive evidence-based practices and support a culture of safety

  1. Dancer SJ, Stewart M, Coulombe C, Gregori A, Virdi M. Surgical site infections linked to contaminated surgical instruments. J Hosp Infect. 2012 Aug;81(4):231-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2012.04.023. Epub 2012 Jun 15. PMID: 22704634.
  2. Chobin, Nancy. "The real costs of surgical instrument training in sterile processing revisited." AORN journal 92.2 (2010): 185-193.
  3. Nast K, Swords KA. Decreasing operating room costs via reduction of surgical instruments. J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Apr;15(2):153.e1-153.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2019.01.013. Epub 2019 Jan 28. PMID: 30846251