
DecolonizationSimplify your prep.

Nearly 1.7 million hospitalized patients acquire a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) each year.1 Fighting surgical site infections (SSIs), hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and other HAIs is a challenge frontline leaders face every day. But by taking a total body approach to preventing the spread of the infectious pathogens that cause HAIs, we can reduce the risk.

Decolonizing the skin, nose, and mouth, the three main sources of bacteria, is vital in minimizing the risk of HAIs and shortening hospital stays. Consistent and effective pre-operative and post-operative care is key.

The Importance of Decolonization

  • 60% of SSIs are preventable by using evidence-based guidelines.1

  • Up to 99% reduction in Staph with good oral care.2

  • 30% of healthy people are colonized with Staphylococcus aureus in the nose.3

Ongoing education with front line staff is important in highlighting the benefit of decolonization. Below you will find CE courses, several articles, and downloadable posters all emphasizing that importance.

160,000 - 300,000Approximate number of SSIs that occur each year in the United States
7 - 11Number of additional hospital days associated with each SSI
$34,407Average cost to treat one SSI

Continuing education courses

Empower staff with 24/7 access to online courses

NV-hap, non-ventilator, CE, RN, nursing CE, pneumonia, oral care, HAI
Non-Ventilator Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP): Why Oral Care Matters (1.0 CE for Nurses)

Learn the pathophysiology of NV-HAP and nursing prevention strategies.

CE, RN, VAP, ventilator, pneumonia, CDC, safety, infection prevention, patient care, oral care
Understanding Ventilator-Associated Events (1.0 CE for Nurses)

Review acronyms related to ventilator-associated events and learn surveillance techniques, new terminology and complications related to the ventilator.

oral care, RN, nurse, nursing, infection prevention, anatomy, mouth, oral, symptoms, complications
Oral Health Across the Age Spectrum: Nurses (1.0 CE)

Review best practices for oral assessments and identify symptoms of poor oral care.

oral care, HCA, CNA, AMCA CE, anatomy, mouth, oral, symptoms, complications
Oral Health Across the Age Spectrum: Healthcare Assistants

Review the anatomy of the mouth and learn about oral care for specific patient populations.

oral care, HCA, CNA, AMCA CE, anatomy, mouth, oral, symptoms, complications
VAP Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia for CNAs

Learn the implications of VAP and role of CNAs in caring for ventilated patients and preventing VAP. 

clinical evidence

Drive evidence-based practices and support a culture of safety

best practice posters

Prioritize prevention and improve clinical outcomes 

CHG Steps

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Decolonization Statistics

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Oral Care Best Practices

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  1. Preventing SSIs: An Evidence-Based Update. Physician’s Weekly, June 22, 2015. Accessed November 28, 2018.
  2. In vitro testing on file
  3. Adele Sakr, Fabienne Bregeon, et al. Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization: An Update on Mechanisms, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Subsequent Infections. Front Microbiol. 2018.