Nearly 1.7 million hospitalized patients acquire a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) each year.1 Fighting surgical site infections (SSIs), hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and other HAIs is a challenge frontline leaders face every day. But by taking a total body approach to preventing the spread of the infectious pathogens that cause HAIs, we can reduce the risk.
Decolonizing the skin, nose, and mouth, the three main sources of bacteria, is vital in minimizing the risk of HAIs and shortening hospital stays. Consistent and effective pre-operative and post-operative care is key.
The Importance of Decolonization
60% of SSIs are preventable by using evidence-based guidelines.1
Up to 99% reduction in Staph with good oral care.2
30% of healthy people are colonized with Staphylococcus aureus in the nose.3
Ongoing education with front line staff is important in highlighting the benefit of decolonization. Below you will find CE courses, several articles, and downloadable posters all emphasizing that importance.