
Introducing 9 New Patient Safety Microlearning Courses for OR Professionals

By Elizabeth Andreas posted 09-26-2023 12:00 PM

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Introducing 9 New Patient Safety Microlearning Courses for OR Professionals

Enhance OR safety.

By Brenda Kozak, DNP, MSN, RNC, CNE| September 26, 2023

In the dynamic world of healthcare, staying updated with the latest patient safety practices is crucial for healthcare professionals, especially those working in the operating room (OR). We're excited to announce an expansion of our educational offerings at Medline University with the introduction of nine new microlearning courses, each designed to enhance patient safety in the OR.

The importance of patient safety in the OR

Patient safety is at the forefront of healthcare, and the OR is a critical area where the highest standards must be maintained. To ensure optimal patient outcomes and reduce adverse events, healthcare professionals in the OR need access to the latest knowledge and best practices. Our new microlearning courses have been carefully crafted to address nine key areas of concern in the OR, empowering our learners to provide the best possible care to their patients.

A closer look at our 9 new microlearning courses

Each microlearning course is concise, engaging, and informative; taking 10 minutes or less to complete. This format is perfect for busy OR professionals to acquire essential knowledge efficiently. Take a closer look at each course listed below.

1. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)

Learn strategies to prevent and manage SSIs, a common concern in surgical procedures. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

2. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Perioperative Hypothermia

Understand the risks and prevention strategies related to perioperative hypothermia. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

3. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Retained Surgical Item

Explore best practices for preventing inadvertent retention of surgical items in patients after surgery. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

4. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Wrong Site Surgery 

Identify the risk factors for wrong-site surgery and review the Universal Protocol to prevent wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-patient surgery. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

5. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Perioperative Pressure Injuries

Learn how to identify and prevent pressure injuries during the perioperative period. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

6. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Catheter-Associated UTIs

Discover techniques to minimize CAUTI risks in the OR. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

7. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)

Examine the pathogens commonly involved in CLABSIs and explore strategies to prevent CLABSIs. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

8. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Identify the signs and symptoms of VTE development and examine VTE prevention methods. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

9. 9 on the Line Patient Safety: Medication Errors & Best Practices for Prevention

Enhance your knowledge of medication safety to minimize errors in the OR. To learn more about this course, click here. To take the course, click here.

In addition to our microlearning courses, we offer a comprehensive 2.0 CE course, 9 on the Line: Patient Safety in the Operating Room. This course provides the opportunity to earn valuable CE credits while honing OR safety expertise.

Take action for safer OR practices

In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, knowledge is key to empower clinicians with the latest insights and best practices in the OR. Informed OR professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of surgical patients.

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