Start this course! Course Description The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China in late December 2019. Since then, it has spread rapidly and virulently throughout the world. In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. This...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning Objectives...
Start this course! Course Description It is important to know what bloodborne pathogens are in order to prevent transmission. Learning Objectives The purpose of this microlearning course is to educate participants on bloodborne pathogens, Occupational Safety and Health...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide the different types of FDA-approved vaccinations, review the importance of prevention strategies, explain the use of the CDC's Transmission-based Precautions and guidelines for isolation of patients both at home and in...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning...
Start this course! Course Description STIs are a worldwide problem and rates have been increasing over time. They can burden the healthcare system. STIs can have a major effect on short-term sexual health and long-term reproductive health outcomes. Learning Objectives Upon...
Start this course! Course Description All patients should feel comfortable providing information necessary for their care and should be treated with dignity and respect. Caregivers, nurses and other healthcare professionals are responsible for providing a level of high-quality care...
Start this course! Course Description The goal of this program is to define and discuss domestic violence, and inform healthcare professionals about the importance of recognizing these cases of abuse. The course provides nurses with the educational tools necessary to screen for and...
Start this course! Course Description Communication is at the heart of safety. Without excellent communication skills, an organization can suffer, and patient safety can be greatly affected. Overall, a lot is still to be learned about healthcare professionals and their willingness...
Start this course! Course Description Communication is at the heart of safety. Without excellent communication skills, an organization can suffer, and patient safety can be greatly affected. In this course, we will explore the background of a culture of safety, review types of...
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