Start this course! Course Description This course covers the importance of risk assessments for each patient or resident as well as the facility’s environment. It will also review prevention strategies for reducing the risk of injury from falls and describe setting up a...
Start this course! Course Description This microlearning course is designed to help healthcare personnel recognize the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), identify the different types of PPE, and apply PPE safely in all healthcare settings. Learning Objectives Upon...
Start this course! Course Description Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the population worldwide. Diabetes can be a complex and fatal disease, if not treated appropriately. It can lead to systemic complications affecting many organ systems, and is the seventh leading cause...
Start this course! Course Description The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, of 1996 initiated one of the largest changes in the provision of healthcare in decades. The goal of this course is to define HIPAA and provide an overview of its...
Start this course! Course Description The goal of this program is to define and discuss the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals for 2024, including the problems and concerns that have led to its implementation. The program provides a detailed review of the various...
Start this course! Course Description Twenty million Americans have some form of peripheral neuropathy. Due to the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy, it is important for healthcare providers to have an understanding of neuropathy. This course will discuss a basic overview of the...
Course Description The prevalence of adverse events (AEs) in medical care is very high and can lead to serious medical consequences, high mortality, and excess costs for extended medical care. Unlike a hospital or skilled nursing facility, the home environment is more private, so potential...
Course Description This course will discuss ostomy management after hospital discharge such as teaching of stoma assessment to patients, emptying pouches, and changing pouching systems. Training on how to discuss common questions from patients such as diet, exercise, ADL’s, and how to guide...
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