Start this course! Course Description The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China in late December 2019. Since then, it has spread rapidly and virulently throughout the world. In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. This...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning Objectives...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide the different types of FDA-approved vaccinations, review the importance of prevention strategies, explain the use of the CDC's Transmission-based Precautions and guidelines for isolation of patients both at home and in...
Start this course! Course Description This course will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with information about the risk factors that make a person susceptible to contracting COVID-19 as well as its clinical presentation for various age groups. Learning...
Start this course! Course Description This microlearning course is designed to help healthcare personnel recognize the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), identify the different types of PPE, and apply PPE safely in all healthcare settings. Learning Objectives Upon...
Start this course! Course Description The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, of 1996 initiated one of the largest changes in the provision of healthcare in decades. The goal of this course is to define HIPAA and provide an overview of its...
Start this course! Course Description The goal of this program is to define and discuss the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals for 2024, including the problems and concerns that have led to its implementation. The program provides a detailed review of the various...
Start this course! Course Description Minimizing or redistributing pressure can seem like a full-time job just by itself. Take time to review the areas prone to pressure damage and learn how pressure can be redistributed through turning and support surfaces. Learning Objectives...
Phlebotomy is one of the most common procedures performed in healthcare today. This course will provide a refresher on phlebotomy for clinical professionals who already hold the appropriate certification to perform venipuncture in their state. This is not meant as initial training for new...
Start this course! Course Description Understanding what triggers certain behaviors in a resident with dementia will help you understand and address the behaviors in a positive way. In some cases, it may even allow you to prevent it from occurring. It is also important to remember...
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