Bathing with Dignity for Administrators

09-27-2018 12:19 PM

Bathing with Dignity for Administrators (NAB approval 20190605-0.50-A45308-DL)
This course is intended for Nursing Home Administrators and is approved by NAB. Authored by Joanne Rader, RN, MN, PMHNP, award-winning author and founding member of the Pioneer Network. Research has shown that as many as half of nursing home residents get distressed during bathing. This distress is a serious problem: a close look at facility incident reports will show a large percentage of them related to bathing. This distress also spreads to other residents and creates a negative living environment. Fortunately, there are simple, practical ways to greatly improve the bathing experience. In this course we’ll share some thoughts and ideas with you about how to make bathing more pleasant for residents and caregivers through a more adaptable, personalized approach. The course offers both an education component, as well as an interactive virtual competency simulation that allows administrators the chance to practice what they’ve learned.

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