Causes of Abnormal Postures in the Wheelchair System: Anatomical or ill-fitting wheelchair components, what is to blame? (1.0 CE for PT)

10-15-2020 08:12 AM

Pelvic Anatomy

Course Description

Take a refresher of the anatomical bony landmarks used to identify and distinguish between the postural abnormalities of the pelvis. Explore the root causes and determine if the abnormal posture is due to an underlying anatomical issue or an ill-fitting wheelchair system. Learn what measurements are needed to ensure a properly fitting seating system.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
  • Identify two bony landmarks that must be palpated to help identify the abnormal posture of the pelvis.
  • List two anatomical causes that can lead to a posterior pelvic tilt.
  • Name two issues with the current wheelchair system that could lead to a pelvic obliquity.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for physical and occupational therapists and aides.

1.0 CE for Physical therapists 
