Coronavirus (COVID-19): Infection Control Strategies (Microlearning)

07-24-2023 08:04 AM

Course Description

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China in late December 2019. Since then, it has spread rapidly and virulently throughout the world. In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. This course will provide the different types of FDA-approved vaccinations, review the importance of prevention strategies, and explain the use of the CDC's Transmission-based Precautions and guidelines for the isolation of patients both at home and in healthcare facilities.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Implement COVID-19 prevention strategies recommended by the CDC for specific healthcare settings 

  • Discuss vaccine options approved for use 

Intended Audience

This educational activity was developed for nurses and healthcare professionals.

Course Information

This is a microlearning course. Microlearning is an approach to learning new information in small segments of 3-15 minutes in length. This course is mobile-friendly!

There is no CE associated with this course. A certificate of completion is awarded, but no contact hours are awarded. If you are interested in earning CE, navigate to and complete the full version of this course.

Course Authors

This course was written by Marcia Wellington, RN, MS; Anita Fitzgerald, PhD, RN, AGNP, CNE; Margaret Fracaro, RN, MA; and Marguerite Voorhees RN, BSN, MN, CNS; and edited by Brenda Kozak, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE.

Brenda earned her doctorate in nursing practice and is a certified nurse educator. Brenda has over 20 years of clinical experience in nursing practice.
