Enhanced Barrier Precautions (Microlearning)

09-09-2024 05:59 PM

Course Description

This course will explore the challenges and solutions in preventing infections in long-term care facilities, guiding you on effectively applying these practices. Empower yourself with the knowledge to protect our most vulnerable population. Because when it comes to infection prevention, every healthcare professional can make a difference.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of infection prevention for long-term care residents.
  • Describe the transmission of infections and the nature of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs).
  • Define and implement Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) effectively.
Intended Audience

This educational activity was developed for healthcare professionals working in long-term care settings.

Course Information

This is a microlearning course. Microlearning is an approach to learning new information in small segments of 3-15 minutes in length. This course is mobile-friendly!

There is no CE associated with this course. A certificate of completion is awarded, but no contact hours are awarded. 

Course Authors

This course was written by Caryn Arnold, MBA, RN, BSN, CNOR (E), a-IPC and edited by Brenda Kozak, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE.

Caryn, a Medical Science Liaison, collaborates with customers and stakeholders as a clinical data and implementation expert. She supports strategic initiatives, delivers educational presentations, and helps clinicians advance their educational goals.

Brenda is a certified nurse educator with over 20 years of clinical experience. She earned her Doctorate in Nursing Practice and a Master of Science in Nursing focusing on education.