Pressure Injury Prevention in the Operating Room (1.0 CE for Nurses)

10-12-2020 08:32 AM

Pressure Injury Prevention

Course Description

Pressure injuries can be a serious issue in the perioperative department. Skin damage and pressure injury formation can continue even after the pressure has been relieved; a skin injury that presents 72 hours after surgery is now recognized as starting in the perioperative area. Effective prevention of pressure injury development before, during, and after surgery has the potential to greatly improve patient care and satisfaction. It can also reduce the costs to acute‐care facilities. In order to prevent pressure injuries, healthcare staff need to understand different factors that cause pressure injuries. The goal of this course is to give an overview of how pressure injuries develop and how they are staged, and to discuss measures that perioperative staff can take to minimize the risk of pressure injuries developing.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
  • Give an overview of the development of pressure injuries and how they are staged
  • Describe preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative risk factors for pressure injury development and explain the importance of a thorough skin assessment
  • Explore ways in which nurses can work to prevent pressure injuries in the perioperative setting
  • Discuss process improvement for perioperative pressure injury prevention

Intended Audience

This course is intended for nurses.

1.0 CE for Nurses
