Preventing Adverse Events in the Home Health Environment

08-03-2020 02:08 PM

Preventing Adverse Events in Home Health

Course Description

The prevalence of adverse events (AEs) in medical care is very high and can lead to serious medical consequences, high mortality, and excess costs for extended medical care. Unlike a hospital or skilled nursing facility, the home environment is more private, so potential hazards and difficulties may not be reported as frequently. However, it is important to be aware of potential difficulties that can arise in the home so that nurses working with patients in this environment can be equipped to manage any situation that arises. This educational program examines the breadth of AEs in care for the patient where nurses can invoke efforts to reduce their occurrence, and offers guidelines for implementation of preventative behaviors.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
  • List potential adverse events that can take place in the home environment
  • Describe how pressure injuries develop, and how to prevent them
  • Practice safety precautions to protect oneself and the patient
  • Differentiate between a medical and nonmedical emergency and how to manage it according to facility or agency policy
  • Identify abnormalities in patient appearance or behavior as a preventative measure

Intended Audience

This course is intended for nurses and healthcare staff.

1.0 CE for Nurses
